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2023/11/9 Joint seminar: UC Irvine Int'l Justice Clinic & KU Int'l Human Rts Clinic on Women on Web
12/1/2021 Joint Seminar with Harvard BKC on digital health 하버드버크맨센터와의 디지털의료 공동 세미나
5/21/21 KU-UCI Setting the Record Straight: Primary Sources and Evidence on "Comfort Women" Issues
6/29-30/20 Law and Privacy in the New Normal: Long-term COVID-19 Containment Strategy - UCI-KU공동세미나
[Presentation]2020.01.20 Harvard University-KU Joint Conference "AI, Ethics & Data Governan
Dec 16, OpenNet-KU AmLaw Center Seminar<Can the Sharing Economy Help Reduce Economic Inequality?&
October 7, Third UCI-KU Law Shuttle Symposium- 10월7일 제3차 UC얼바인-고려대 로스쿨 셔틀 심포지엄
5.29.2019 - UC Davis-Korea University Joint Workshop: Constitutional and Civil Rights in Transition
2019.5.3 Korea University-Korean Association of Legal Philosophy Join Seminar with Northwestern Law
March 22 Joint faculty workshop between UW (Seattle) and KU Law School
2018. 11. 29. American Law Center - American Chamber of Commerce Joint Seminar "US Trade Sancti
2018. 11. 28. American Law Center - US Embassy in Korea - Open Net Korea Joint Seminar "Borderl
2018. 11. 19. Korea Univ. School of Law-UCI School of Law Joint Symposium
2018.10. 19. ABA Conference - Mentorship Program
2018. 10. 17. ABA Section of International Law - American Law Center Joint Conference
2018 American Law Summer Classes
2018. 5. 24. Briefing Session for US Law School Admission & US Bar Exam
2018. 5. 14. American Law Center Briefing Session with KU Law Students
2018. 3. 20. KU American Law Center - Foreign Law Firm Association Joint Seminar: "Contribution
2018. 2. 26. American Lawyers in Korea Networking Seminar: "Contribution of American Lawyers fo
2017. 5. 18.-19. UC Irvine School of Law - KU School of Law Joint Conference