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HOME  >>  RESEARCH/ PUBLICATION  >> Korean law textbooks in English

Korean Law Textbooks in English

American Law Center publishes Korean law textbooks in English for foreign language speakers who visit Korea University as exchange students. With these publications, they will be able to learn Korean Law systematically and extend their studies to comparative laws.



Available Textbooks

Inhyeon KIM, Korean Maritime Law Treatises (Table of contents)

Soonkoo MYOUNG, Introduction to Korean Civil Law-Law of Obligations (Table of contents)

Kyungsin PARK, Copyright, Personality Right, Privacy, and Trademarks (Table of contents)

Textbooks in publication progress

Namgeun Yoon, Civil Procedure in South Korea

CJ Law Hall #405, 145 Anam-ro Sungbuk-gu Seoul Korea 02841

© 2018 American Law Center, Korea University School of Law

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