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2017. 5. 18.-19. UC Irvine School of Law - KU School of Law Joint Conference

In order to enrich academic exchanges between UC Irvine School of Law and KU School of Law, and to celebrate the establishment of the American Law Center of Korea University, the two schools will hold joint conference as follows:


Time: May 18 Morning - May 19 Lunchtime (inclusive), 2017

Venue: Korea University Law School, CJ Law Hall # 512

Day 1: May 18, 2017

Welcoming and Congratulatory Remarks

- Kim Kyuwan, Dean of Korea University Law School - Yeom Jae-Ho, President, Korea University

Inauguration of American Law Center

- Park Kyung-Sin, Director of American Law Center

Keynote Speeches

“Legal Education in 21st Century”, Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean & Distinguished Professor of Law, Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law, UC Irvine Law School (delivered by Prof. L. Song Richardson)

“Constitutional Adjudication in Korea and Development of Democracy” Lee Jung-Mi, Endowed Professor, Former President of the Korean Constitutional Court, Korea University

“A Fresh Start with Firm Commitment: Korea University’s Legal Education”, Chai Lee-Sik, Professor Emeritus, Korea University

SESSION 1 Private Law Segment

Moderator - Lee Hwang, Professor of Korea University

Presentation 1 "Fostering Private Equity Using a Law-First Approach"

Speaker - Summer Kim, Assistant Professor of Law & Director, Korea Law Center, UC Irvine Law School Discussant - Myoung Soon-Koo, Professor of Korea University

Presentation 2 "Curation, Law, and the Diffusion of Hip Hop in South Korea"

Speaker - Funmi Arewa, Professor of Law & Director, Center on Africa and the Law, UC Irvine Law School Discussant - Lee Dae-Hee, Professor of Korea University

SESSION 2 Public Law Segment

Moderator - Kim Ha-Yurl, Professor of Korea University

Presentation 3 "Cognitive Bias & Decision-Making in the Criminal Justice System: Challenges and Solutions"

Speaker - L. Song Richardson, Professor of Law & Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, UC Irvine Law School Discussant Kang Soo-Jin, Professor of Korea University

Presentation 4 "Three Challenges in Freedom of Speech in A Digital Age"

Speaker - David Kaye, Professor of UC Irvine Law School, UN Special Rapporteur of Freedom of Expression; Sarah Choi, Fellow, Korea Law Center at UCI Law School Discussant - Kang Pyoung-Geun, Professor of Korea University

Day 2: May 19, 2017

SESSION 3 International Law & Jurisprudence Segment

Moderator- Kim Keechang, Professor of Korea University

Presentation 5 "Judicial Parochialism and Cosmopolitanism: Foreign Judgments in U.S. Courts"

Speaker - Chris Whytock, Professor of Law & Professor of Political Science, UC Irvine Law School Discussant - Shin Chang-Sop, Professor of Korea University

Presentation 6 "From Professional monopolies to magic circles. Evolving mechanisms in the control of lawyer supply"

Speaker - Bryant Garth, Chancellor’s Professor of Law, UC Irvine Law School Discussant - Kim Je-Wan, Professor of Korea University


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